Trust and Advice             .broken_link, a.broken_link { text-decoration: line-through; }                 









      Trust and Advice   I suppose the best way to begin this one way conversation is to say the following - with all due respect, most of what you think you know about trading the markets is incorrect. 

 Furthermore, and again with all due respect, chances are any brokers or advisors you’ve dealt with in the past also don’t know a tenth of what they profess to know about trading the markets. Most brokers and advisors are half-wits and nimrods that couldn’t survive trading the markets if it weren’t for the fees they charge people like you - even when they lose your money.

 The fact is that the only person you can completely trust when it comes to managing your money is you. As far as how you manage that trust, how much of it you are willing to trade in order to acquire a potential return, is another story. I suppose that is why you are reading these words of mine right now. 

 You’re asking yourself, “Who the hell is this guy and why should I put any of my trust in him?” Good question.

 I will even go so far as to say that not even I, in my infinite wisdom, can guarantee that the markets won’t drive you to drink someday. That’s probably the most accurate piece of advice I can give anybody. 

 So what I’ve decided to do is take my lab rat, Brett Buchanan, and turn him into a money-making machine using my advice…


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