About            .broken_link, a.broken_link { text-decoration: line-through; }                 









      About   Gregory Alan Simmons is founder and the creative force behind Scope Labs, an Algorithmic Trading and Research Project. Few if any can match Mr. Simmons empirical documented record of picking markets trends and sounding alarms before disaster strikes.

 Over the last twenty years while being a “Prop trader” using options and derivatives, he has managed hundreds of millions of dollars acting as lead derivative strategist for numerous financial institutions and is well published in financial periodicals (see “Empirical evidence”) predicting many events would in fact unfold as they have - - see 2003 thesis.

 Acting as managing Director and/or Senior Management/trader with firms such as John Hancock Insurance owned Sutro and Co., Mitchum, Jones & Templeton, and Roth Capital (formally Cruttenden & Roth), his opinion developed into a commodity of it’s own.

 In 2003 he moved to Hawaii from California to retire feeling that with the forthcoming drop in the VIX and the troublesome “list” of “market negatives” that he compiled (see 2003 thesis on web page under Empirical Evidence tab) that there was no meaningful edge to continue trading. After a 2 year break he put forth a greater effort in using applied mathematics and randomized testing. These experimental trading models - - with the evolution of increased platform speed and improvement in chip speed - - allowed for greater “data mining” abilities and testing. Launching Scope Labs, LLC. with multiple “labs” in different time-zones offering triple redundancy for data integrity and storage of “scrubbed” and “unmolested data” has to date proven profitable in the current uncharted global depression.

 Scope Labs will continue to turn terabytes of data points into realized profits using NON-Wall street-computer programmers, mathematicians - specializing in statistical inference, professional game theorists-”poker players” and robotic engineers for the independent verification of the systems in an effort to greater understand the causal links or “causality” to maximize the most favorable periods or SPL Stable Paredo Levy distributions and add to the systems that have proven their “robustness” in relationship to bet sizing. The goal of using a version of the “Kelly criterion” - - currently leaning towards 50% of the “Kelly formula” which provides 3/4 of the upside with only 50% of volitility - - or possible “Optimal F” should further enhance the system performance.

 As a final/additional goal it is also Scope Labs’ desire to try and create a truly transparent and hopefully more sterile REAL containable risk model vs. the proven faulty theory of MPT “Modern Portfolio Theory” used by the Banks, Hedge funds, brokers, insurance companies, Government backed agencies and Government sponsered agencies to destroy trillions of US dollars thru the combination of a bad theory, worse math, croney capitalism and corruption.

 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "About", url: "http://scopelabs.net/a/?page_id=2" });

     { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

     Lee October 13, 2009 at 4:12 pm    Hi, Greg - I read the article. Distracted by the music and noise but that soon passed. What to say? Very interesting challenge to my traditional point of view. I hardly feel qualified to comment as this is so out of my knowledge base. It’s well written and and full of good information although sometimes a “bit over the top” but that is your style. Not sure that I will be buying guns and ammo and won’t buy gold at over 1000 at this point in time. I can see that few people have the expertise to invest as you have suggested in the newer vehicles of the trade that you talked about near the end of the article. What else - thanks for asking me to read the article.

     brandon / chop December 17, 2009 at 3:24 am    heya greg, 

 just printed ur latest from ZH and stumbled upon your site. after 2 minutes of clicking around just had to say that it looks great !!

 just fast dialed ya and will definitely give it the good once-over that it clearly deserves this weekend. just wanted to say good show and thank ya for your work. 

 - brandon / fibozachi / chopshop

     Monnie December 17, 2009 at 10:43 am    I think we’re headed for a HUGE stock market drop, and SOON.

 I need advice. Do you have a subscription newsletter? I have a fairly small amount of money, and need some advice about what to do with it NOW.

     Greg Simmons December 17, 2009 at 10:55 am    We are about to launch a new daily market commentary service along with a daily signals (systems trading) product. We are beta-testing the systems right now. Keep checking back with the site. I will send you a personal email to opt-in when we launch the commentary. There will be a free trial period so that you can sample the service.



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